Creating An Outline For Book Project – HIS Publishing Group
Guide to Publishing

Creating An Outline For Book Project


Ideally your outline should be three pages.
Determine your working title.
Write a brief summary of plot or storyline.
Know your audience – The goal is to know your reader. This will help you to stay focused on the reader while writing your manuscript.
What is your genre?

  • Action & Adventure
  • Mystery
  • Horror
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction
  • Western
  • Other

List your Main Characters – You should not have more than three. Describe your characters in detail:
Name of Character #1:

  • Who is the protagonist – the hero or heroine?
  • What is their primary goal, challenge or other in the story?
  • Personality traits?
  • Primary Goal?

Name of Character #2:

  • Often it is the antagonist or “opposition” to main character.
  • What is their primary goal, challenge or other in the story?
  • Personality traits?
  • Relationship to protagonist?

Name of Character #3:

  • Oftentimes a major supporting character.
  • What is their primary goal, challenge or other in the story?
  • Personality traits?
  • Relationship to protagonist?

Determine your Setting(s) – List only two if there are multiple settings:
Describe first setting:

  • Date or time period?
  • Why are using the setting?

Describe second setting:

  • Date or time period?
  • Why are you using the setting?

Describe/Define –  The main issue, central problem or other that must be solved by the main character.

Describe/Define – the primary road blocks, obstacles or other issues which will prevent the main character from accomplishing the intended goal and/or outcome.

Describe/Define  how the story is resolved or ends.

Write a present tense summary of your narrative, idea, plot and/or story line:
Make list of all titles and headings. Include chapters, sub chapters, main topics, sub topics and any other main groupings you plan to include. This will lead to building the overall structure for your outline. If you don’t know the titles or names, substitute numbers. You will edit this at a later date.

Start writing a paragraph or two under each heading. Write an introduction and a conclusion for each paragraph and the supporting content in between. When finished, go back and expand on each paragraph.

Shortened Outline – Keep to one page with three to four paragraphs. Utilize your summary and highlight the main points.

Simple Outline – Reduce the three paragraphs into one. This becomes your short descriptive pitch.

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